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Biothane leashes

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:39 pm
by Owned-By-Hendrix
I have been on the hunt for an awesome leash that doesn't make Hendrix want to play "see how long it takes me to eat it". Various nylon ones don't hold up and while I love his leather one I hated the fact it took days for the pee smell to fade when he inevitably peed on it. Plus with crazy southern weather caring for it was a concern.

I started reading up on other materials and soon found biothane. It's basically a plastic leather that's all weather and stronger than leather. So I started looking for a place to order so me biothane leashes from and I found

Three orders later I'm in love with them and biothane. Their products are hands down the best - I have held a lunging 60 pound malinois on one of their 3/8th lines and not worried about breaking or stretching. Their color selection is amazing, their variety of materials is amazing, their customer service is amazing, and I love being able to ask them questions about what type of leash or lead to get for what. Everything is custom made and they even do harnesses for tracking/work (which I swear will be my next purchase). When Hendrix pees on his leash - because he's a boy and can't aim to save his life - it doesn't absorb and I can wipe it off with Lysol or a rag. Mud and rain doesn't leave me wincing and the stuff is crazy strong.

Basically their price structure runs 8$ base price plus 1$ per foot, depending on the material used (supergroup is a bit more expensive). A 30 foot long line in fluorescent pink (never lose that) ran me like 40$, about as much as good leather one. A 6 foot leash is about 16-18$. A 8 foot supergrip line for agitation is 34$ - and I love this because it never slips from my hands.

As a plus, Hendrix doesn't seem keen on playing the "eat it" game and while it's about as chew proof as leather, I still lock up all the leashes after we're done.

So if you're looking for a really strong leash or need various lengths or something stronger for sport work, email the fine folks at and see what they can do for you!